Wednesday, January 25, 2012

#4. High Italian Renaissance Art.

  I would like to compare between the Early Renaissance period and the High Renaissance period. From the Early Renaissance period, I want to talk about Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli. From the High Renaissance period, I will talk about Creation of Adam by Michelangelo. The reason why I choose these painting is two painting looks similar even though it made in different period so I want to know more about two of them.
The major similarity between these two artwork is dynamic unity. As I can see that usually dynamic unity is rare to find in the Early Renaissance period, but as textbook explains that dynamic unity is a prime characteristic of High Renaissance art. In the Birth of Venus, curve lines are made this painting dynamic. Even though Venus is doing anything, her hair is blow so it could make vigorous and gorgeous woman. Also, on the left side, I guess two angels surrounded by falling flowers with wings and clothes come to Venus. On the right side, a woman tried to hide wind from Venus with blanket. All the fabric and hair are blowing dynamically, so this painting got full of life. In the Creation of Adam, on the left side, Adam is looking and reaching out his hand to God and his gesture and pose are dynamic. On the right side of the painting, nine of kids are surround by God and God also reaching out his arm and finger to Adam. Hair, cloth of God and some fabric from kids are blowing as well, so it makes dynamic painting.  
About the Birth of Venus, this painting is famous and it stylized with classical realism. Most of lines, especially Venus, are made of very soft lines, and it makes separate her from the other figures. Her body looks silky skin and it looks beautiful. Venus is come out from the sea and she is standing on the huge shell. It looks as gift from God. In this painting, variety of green color is used such as light and deep green. In addition, using deep and light colors, Botticelli made three-dimensional painting. When we look at this painting, first thing our eyes focused on the nude Venus figure. On either side, even three of their bodies are toward to Venus so it makes point our sight directly to Venus.  
About the Creation of Adam, this painting is on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel with Diagram Identifying Scenes. It is also famous and familiar painting. Michelangelo depicted the moment when God gives a life to Adam. Dynamic unity in this painting make me think that it is some kind of real image of scene. Except God, all the figures are nude. I feel like details with muscles in body provide with full of life. Sharp lines are used in figures' body and because of that I could focus more on this painting. Also, I think that major point of this painting is that God's right arms is outstretched to impart the spark of life from his finger to Adam.

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